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Year three at Odin and I seriously missed this place over the summer, don’t worry I fully enjoyed my time away!. I spent my summer spending time with my family, traveling to each pool/beach in the area, taking a family vacation to Indianapolis, and helping my children with their 4H projects. I also attended my 20 th high school reunion! WHAT?! Time sure does fly! My baby Dorothy June turned 1 in March, and she is HUGE! She has learned so much in that year and I really have enjoyed having her around. Both of my kiddos did 4H this year and made projects for the fair, they both got blue ribbons. We are looking forward to adding more projects this year. My husband and I took a little trip to my hometown, Burlington Iowa, for my high school reunion. I loved seeing everyone that I attended high school with, but it was hard to believe 20 years went by so fast! This year I feel so much better at being a teacher, third year teacher here! I am feeling more like I know what I am doing and know what my students need more. I am teaching many of the same classes but we will be adding more to my curriculum. Then, I am also adding Jr High FCS and Computer Concepts to my class schedule. These two classes will be a great addition to our school. I love sharing my love of FCS with the Jr High. I am hoping this will give them the skills to succeed outside of the classroom. Most of my classes teach those #adulting skills we need when we leave high school. I really focus on preparing them to be successful citizens. Every year I love to see my students grow and learn.

I am very excited for this year!

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